I'm a computational ecologist. My RESEARCH aims to understand ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes in nonstable environments, across time and space. I use real DATA, mathematical models, statistical analysis and novel SOFTWARE.

I'm a Senior Lecturer in Ecology at the University of Lincoln in the UK, and have previously worked as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research Fellow based at the University of Southern Denmark, the Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research and the University of Exeter (Cornwall Campus).


Ecological systems are structured, with interacting components, (e.g. populations of interacting individuals, communities of interacting populations). Human or environmental events and pressures often affect one component more than another (e.g. fires kill young, not old, trees), destabilising systems. I'm interested in nonstable ecological system dynamics (e.g. population growth rates) that result. These dynamics have consequences for how ecological systems are conserved and managed. I'm also interested how systems evolve or develop to cope with non-stable environments. System structures and functions that confer resilience should be favoured. In a separate line of work, I've recently become interested in applying these approaches to socio-ecological systems to address inequalities through ecological justice approaches.

I'm fascinated by the diverse life histories of plants and animals, Different species have vastly different patterns of survival and reproduction across the their lifetimes. Working with mathematicians, I use population models to understand patterns of life history across species, how this impacts their resilince, and conversely how those dynamics feed back into evolutionary processes shaping life history.

I'm determined to use ecological science to improve the lives of people, as most people live in urban areas and urban ecosystems are vital to human health and wellbeing. As biodiversity (especially urban forest) is unevenly distributed across cities, access to green spaces across is unequal across different communities. Working with social and economic scientists, I believe that ecological models and 'big data' can provide answers to managing urban green spaces for ecological justice.

I work with mathematical models, statistical analysis, big(-ish) data and novel software. I like a 'systems' approach, which considers the whole system of interest rather than individual parts: the ideology and mathematics around this have their roots in engineering, but borrowed across to ecology. With mathematicians, I have developed many new analytical tools to understand ecological systems, as well as the software to implement them. I hope to work with bigger data sets and artificial intelligence approaches in the future.

I'd like to leverage the frameworks, methods and tools in the study of other ecological systems, particularly to understand links across hierarchies of biological organisation, e.g. how population resilience impacts community stability.


WHYAGE is my Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellowship project, funded by the European Union.

Patterns of aging, as measured by rates of survival and reproduction across the life cycle, are diverse across the tree of life. In this project, myself and colleagues developed new methods of measuring aging, and new ways of understanding population resilience through nonstable dynamics. I applied these to survival and reproduction data across diverse species, to see how aging patterns affect population resilience. This opens a door to understanding how the responses of populations to disturbances influence the evolution of patterns of aging.

Everything ages. With increasing age, we undergo physiological decline, meaning we are more likely to die, and less likely to reproduce. This is called ‘senescence’. Although everything ages, not everything senesces. Recent research shows that some organisms show constant or even increasing survival and fertility with age. Life spans vary from days to thousands of years.

How did such diverse aging evolve? The ‘fittest’ life histories should have highest population growth, but there’s more than one way to achieve this. WHYAGE explores whether different types of aging may be adaptations to different types of environmental disturbance, as different patterns of survival and reproduction over age are better depending on which ages are most affected by the disturbance.


Organism A in the graph to the right survives better and reproduces more as it gets older (such as many reptiles). Organism B survives worse and reproduces less as it gets older (such as many mammals).

Pressures from humans or the environment may force certain population structures by killing or removing certain individuals from the population more than others: examples are extreme weather events, fire, disease, or harvesting by humans. If a disturbance were to remove young individuals it would force the population structure shown in grey.

In this scenario, Organism A ends up with many older individuals that survive better and reproduce more. It therefore has high population growth and recovers from the disturbance well. Organism B lacks individuals that survive and reproduce well, so its population growth is slow and it takes longer to recover. If the disturbance that forces this population structure is common, then over time there will be increasing numbers of organism A, because the way it ages is better adapted to living in this particular environment.

The WHYAGE project tackles these questions using comparative demography. The empirical part of the project uses demographic data of thousands of species (www.compadre-db.org), to measure aging across the tree of life and relate this to population dynamics. The first part of the project is about method development. Myself and collaborators have developed new ways of measuring aging using survival and reproduction data, and developed a framework for understanding resilience of populations. These include development of open-source software for use by any researcher. By analysing the relationships between aging and resilience, it is possible to understand how an organism's aging affects ecological dynamics of its populations. This is a first step to understanding how a species' resiliences to disturbances feed back into evolution of their patterns of aging.

This work has led to cllaborative projects assessing how to understand life history, including a theoretical assessment of the utility of the 'fast-slow' life history paradigm, and empirical assessments of (co)variation in components of aging across plants and animals.


Citations: >1200
H-index: 16
i-10 index: 17
(Source: Google Scholar, Feb 2021)
* indicates equal author contribution
† indicates prize-winning.

More info can be found on my Google Scholar profile.

I'm an Associate Editor for the Journal of Ecology.

Peer-reviewed publications
  1. Towards a comparative framework of demographic resilience P Capdevila, I Stott, M Beger, R Salguero-Gómez (2020) Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35, 776-786.
  2. Comments to “Persistent problems in the construction of matrix population models”.J Che-Castaldo, OR Jones, BE Kendall, JH Burns, DZ Childs, THG Ezard, H Hernandez-Yanez, DJ Hodgson, EJongejans, TKnight, C Merow, S Ramula, I Stott, Y Vindenes, H Yokomizo, R Salguero-Gómez (2020) Ecological Modelling, 416, 108913-108913.
  3. Demographic amplification is a predictor of invasiveness among plants. K Jelbert, D Buss, J McDonald, S Townley, M Franco, I Stott, O Jones, R Salguero-Gómez, Y Buckley, T Knight, M Silk, F Sargent, S Rolph, P Wilson, D Hodgson (2019) Nature Communications, 10, 1-6.
  4. A pace and shape perspective on fertility. A Baudisch, I Stott (2019) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1941-1951.
  5. Less favourable climates constrain demographic strategies in plants. AM Csergő, R Salguero-Gómez, O Broennimann, SR Coutts, A Guisan, AL Angert, E Welk, I Stott, BJ Enquist, B McGill, J-C Svenning, C Violle and YM Buckley (2017) Ecology Letters, 20, 969–980.
  1. Soil surface temperatures reveal moderation of the urban heat island effect by trees and shrubs. J Edmondson, I Stott, Z Davies, KJ Gaston, JR Leake (2016) Scientific Reports, 6, 33708.
  2. Perturbation analysis of transient population dynamics using matrix projection models. I Stott (2016) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 666-678.
  3. Transients drive the demographic variation of plant populations in variable environments. JL McDonald*, I Stott*, S Townley, DJ Hodgson (2016) Journal of Ecology, 104, 306-314.†
  4. The origins of consistent individual differences in cooperation in wild banded mongooses, Mungo mungo. JL Sanderson, I Stott, AJ Young, EIK Vitikainen, SJ Hodge, MA Cant (2015) Animal Behaviour, 107, 193-200.
  5. Land sparing is crucial for urban ecosystem services. I Stott, M Soga, R Inger, KJ Gaston (2015) Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13, 387–393.
  6. Black Carbon contribution to organic carbon stocks in urban soil. JL Edmondson, I Stott, J Potter, E Lopez-Capel, DAC Manning, KJ Gaston, JR Leake (2015) Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 8339-8346.
  7. Migratory corridors and foraging hotspots: critical habitats identified for Mediterranean green turtles. KL Stokes, AC Broderick, AF Canbolat, O Candan, WJ Fuller, F Glen, Y Levy, AF Rees, RT Snape, I Stott, D Tchernov, BJ Godley (2015) Diversity and Distribtiutions, 21, 665-674.
  8. Invasiveness of plants is predicted by size and fecundity in the native range. K Jelbert, I Stott, RA McDonald & D Hodgson (2015) Ecology and Evolution, 5, 1933-1943.
  9. Oxidative shielding and the cost of reproduction. JD Blount, EIK Vitikainen, I Stott, MA Cant (2016) Biological Reviews, 91, 483-497.
  10. Woody cover in wet and dry African savannas after six decades of burning. AP Devine, I Stott, RA McDonald, I Maclean (2015) Journal of Ecology, 103, 473-478.
  11. Common European birds are declining rapidly whilst less abundant species’ numbers are rising. R Inger, R Gregory, JP Duffy, I Stott, P Voříšek, KJ Gaston (2015) Ecology Letters, 18, 28-36.
  12. Bounds on the dynamics of sink populations with noisy immigration. >C Guiver, EA Eager, R Rebarber, I Stott, DJ Hodgson (2014) Theoretical Population Biology, 92, 88-96.
  13. popdemo: an R package for population demography using projection matrix analysis. I Stott, DJ Hodgson, S Townley (2012) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 797-802. †
  14. Beyond sensitivity: nonlinear perturbation analysis of transient dynamics. I Stott, DJ Hodgson, S Townley (2012) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 673-684. †
  15. A framework for studying transient dynamics of population projection matrix models. I Stott, S Townley, DJ Hodgson (2011) Ecology Letters, 14, 959-970.†
  16. On reducibility and ergodicity of population projection matrix models. I Stott, S Townley, D Carslake, DJ Hodgson (2010) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1, 242-252†
  17. Boom or Bust? A comparative analysis of transient population dynamics in plants. I Stott, M Franco, D Carslake, S Townley, DJ Hodgson (2010) Journal of Ecology, 98, 302-311.


My work uses data defined at a broad scale: across many species, at regional to global levels, but to the highest level of accuracy possible.


Most of my work involves open-access demographic databases. The COMPADRE AND COMPADRE plant and animal matrix databases each provide thousands of matrix projection models and associated metadata, for hundreds of species. These models are built from real demographic data (survival, reproduction, growth, development) collected in the field or lab, all over the world.

Matrix projection models can be used to forecast population dynamics, and to calculate measures of the life history of organisms. Comparing among many different models can help understand why different organisms have different population dynamics, how life histories of organisms differ from one another, and to look for patterns in these over time, across space, and through evolutionary history.

A great number of other open-access demographic and trait databases exist. A few examples: pantheria, DATlife, the Amniote Life History Database, AnAge, and the TRY Plant Trait Database.


I work with remotely-sensed, macroecological data sets describing the geography of the urban areas I study (usually in the UK). OS Mastermap is an extremely high-resolution map of land cover from individual buildings, statues and gardens, to ecosystems such as moorland or forest. The National Tree Map is a high-resolution remotely-sensed, AI-processed map of the UK's forest. These data sets have proven vital for my work in urban ecology.

Urban areas are highly heterogeneous. Distinct patches of land may be merely a few metres square, but provide very different ecological services compared to its surroundings (e.g. a garden surrounded by buildings). Compared to its sister disciplines, urban ecology requires far higher-resolution data. Remote sensing technologies are now providing this. For example, the national tree map pieces together aerial photography, terrain and surface data, and colour infrared imagery to create a data set which outlines every single canopy and individual tree, including crown and height data, for the whole of England and Wales. Data sets such as these are making accurate contemporary urban ecological studies possible.


  • GitHub
  • R
  • Shiny
  • devtools
  • roxygen2
  • rmarkdown
  • knitr
  • html5
  • css3
  • javascript
Part of my research is the development of novel software, mostly R packages.
  • popdemo is an R package designed to quantify population dynamics in nonstable environments. See the user guide for more information. Available on Github and CRAN.
  • Rcompadre is an R package designed for working with the COMPADRE and COMADRE data sets. See the user guide for more information. Available on Github.
  • Rage is an R package (pre-release) designed for caclulating age-based life history information. Available on Github.

I also develop webapps for exploring data and learning quantitative skills. ShinyPop is a webapp designed for exploring the COMPADRE and COMADRE databases, and shocasing some of the functionality of the popdemo and Rage packages. ShinyGLM is designed to teach data handling, visualisation and general linear models in R.

Blog posts:


I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

My teaching primarily centres on quantitative skills, but I also have extensive experience teaching ecology, conservation biology and evolution in the classroom, lab, field and online. I am currently module co-ordinator for two undergraduate modules: Data Skills for the Life Sciences (2nd year) and Practical Skills in Conservation (3rd year). I teach on several other modules and field courses, and act as a personal tutor and dissertation supervisor.


Being a gay man led me into working in EDI, and I've since become heavily invested in changing systems which provide unequal opportunities and support for minority groups. Although I do my best to stand up for the interests of all those who are disadvantaged, I work especially to represent the interests of the LGBTQ+ community, and those living with long-term mental health conditions.

In 2020 I was awarded the British Ecological Society's Equality and Diversity Champion award.

I am a member of the British Ecological Society's Equality and Diversity Working group, help run their LGBT+ network, and organise LGBT+ articles for the quarterly members' magazine. I'm also on the EDI committees of the University of Lincoln School of Life Sciences and College of Science.

I previously sat on the Board of Trustees of the British Ecological Society, representing early career members of the society. During this time I also sat on the BES Publications Education and Careers, and Membership Committees.

Blog posts: